
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Pop-Up Math Book Project

In addition to doing the end-of-year creative assignment in Grade 8*, I decided that Grades 7 and 9 will do a pop-up math book for me in June as their end-of-year assignment. It's not graded really; it's just for them to have something over the summer and next year that they can look back on to remember how we approached the concepts and how they individually understood them. They are encouraged to make it very colorful and creative, a la foldables, so that they would be inclined to come back in the future to use it. There is a lot of writing involved in this project, so they will be forced to revisit all the concepts and to articulate them in their own words.

Here is a link to the specs that I made for Grade 9 (this is a slower-paced group, so many topics may seem easy for the age group). I also made a sample booklet with some pockets and flaps and tabs (but it's only a template and has no content), so that I can have something to show them of what I am envisioning and what are some formatting options they could try for the different pages.

Excited! I've never done this project before. That can only mean good things. :) :) In fact, as their "choice" assignments, a few of my Grade 8 students wish to do this pop-up book as well. It has the potential to be fabulous.

*Um, by the way, I think one of my Grade 8 groups is going to build me a trebuchet and then do some math predictions / modeling on that thing. I am thrilled, because they told me I can keep the trebuchet afterwards!

Addendum June 21, 2012: Here is the follow-up link, with links to photos of some finished projects!


  1. This is so cool! I am going to be completing my part-time student teaching in 8th grade math and I just love this idea!

  2. Thank you! Good luck with the student (and real) teaching!!
