
Sunday, October 3, 2010

Tessellation Examples from My Kids! Plus Random Life Updates.

After all that talk of tessellations, I thought I'd scan in some sample project parts from my kids. Remember that each kid had to do a triangular tessellation by hand (using rulers and protractors) and a quadrilateral tessellation by hand, followed by a creative Part 3 where they had to come up with their own custom shape to tessellate? Well, I'm not sure if it's just me feeling biased as their teacher, but their projects really hit it out of the ballpark for me. Looking at their triangular and quadrilateral tessellations made me wonder how many times they had to re-measure the same angle to fix inaccuracies. Their part 3 projects showed a lot of effort in being creative.

Enjoy. :)


In non-mathy news, Geoff and I have had a very busy weekend. On Friday, we went out for a dinner + movie with some friends. (Geoff ordered a 48-onza margarita, and it was AWESOME. We also saw Getting to the Greek or whatever that movie is called in English; it was hysterical, with some very classy lines.) On Saturday, we went with some friends to "Tazumal," a local ancient Mayan ruin, followed by lunch at beautiful Lago Coatepeque. At night, we grabbed Asian dinner with our favorite family of 5. :) Today, we're cooking dinner for two friends who just found out that they're having a baby! YAY.

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