
Sunday, April 19, 2009

Geoff's mini-move

We are inching toward the big move! Geoff's old lease is expiring, so he is moving into an interim apartment down in the West Village, for a few months. We are both very excited about this, because it is a very hip neighborhood, and his mini-move coincides with (hopefully) beautiful weather to come! Since I had been out of town for over a week, I finally got to see his new place this weekend. We have been eating out the last day or so, and we hit up a cool bar last night. The plan is to really enjoy our last few months in this beautiful city. :)

On the serious end of moving logistics, Geoff is going to try to pare down his belongings by the end of this month -- by the time his old lease officially expires. By then, most of his things will either have been given away, or been stored away at his parents' place. In late June, we will do another trip to New Jersey to stow the rest of our stuff. (His parents have very kindly offered up storage space for both of us! And, his mom is also excited to throw a going-away party for us in late June.) :)

Hopefully, by the next time I update, I'll have more info about when we will actually be leaving the city. It is like pulling teeth trying to get the flight dates nailed. Ugh. Seriously.

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